
7,724 Game Reviews

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Ball themed gadget flash. The graphics were scribbled at fast as possible. Gameplay is just the balls revolving around the mouse. You should not be proud that you spent 2 minutes on your drawings. Next time, submit a full and complete game.

Wildwest shootout flash. Graphics are decent, but the screen could be larger. Gameplay is all about shooting. Adding more choices and options would be a smart move. You should take your time with submissions and not just hurry to finish them.

Puzzle falling flash. Graphics are based off Tetris but are given a 3D look. Gameplay can be challenging to line up the blocks. The pieces that drop need to be more random.

This was made on 4/1/08, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Falling puzzle flash. Graphics are based off Tetris, but you should remove the gridlines. Gameplay is also based off Tetris. You really need something to make this feel like a new spin on an old idea.

This was made on 12/17/09. and I am only the eighth person to review this.

Shooting themed flash. Graphics are taken from Duck Hunt the NES classic, so no points for originality. Adding blood and gore would be a nice touch. Gameplay starts off too fast, most shooting games start off slow and work up to a faster speed. The ending was okay, but it could have been longer.

Test demo flash. Graphics are too far away. They should be zoomed in to see better. Gameplay could use tighter controls. Adding more options and content would be helpful.

This was made on 10/9/01, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Comic movie flash. It is a black and white comic about religion. There is no gameplay at all, you just press arrows to continue the story. If you added color, and actually gameplay than this flash would be improved.

Falling Puzzle flash. Graphics could be polished to look professional. Gameplay is Tetris with a new vibe. Since the medals are missing, the fun factor has been decreased.

This was made on 12/23/09, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Falling puzzle flash. Remake of Tetris that was given the Clock Crew experience. Graphics could use razzle dazzle. Gameplay needs to be faster and more exciting.

Spam themed flash. Bright colors that offer hippie vibes, Gameplay was almost not found. There should be more to do and a plot to explain why you are doing it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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