
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics have a colorful hippie vibe. Gameplay is not the main focus here. It feels more like a movie with some music added. With more to do, it might be a better game.

Soundboard themed flash. Choosing Slater was not the best idea, as they are not well known. Most of the selections are just long song clips. With a mixture of short and medium clips, it would help bring everything together.

This was made on 7/22/06, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Bird shooting flash. Graphics could look better. Gameplay was unoriginal and just dull. There could be more targets overall. Adding bonus content would be a smart idea.

Bee collecting flash. Graphics need more attention to detail. Controls are wonky and it just ruins the experience.

This was made on 10/8/06, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Collection themed flash. Graphics are slightly more detailed than the original. Gameplay flows better, but you should list the controls in the Author Comments.

This was made on 10/10/06, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Fixe Shooter flash. Your graphics need better visuals and more animation. Gameplay has slowdown that really needs to be removed. Adding more objectives and better power ups could be helpful.

Action Shooter flash. Graphics are low quality stick figures. It is too easy overall, and the game length is very short. It needs to be longer.

Collection of flash in a demo. Graphics need to look professional. Feels like you threw some ideas together without any organization.

This was made on 3/16/06, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Action shooter flash. It feels like an unfished flash. This does not resemble Hitman from the video game series. If you shoot enemies in the foot, they bleed all over. It might be better once completed.

Puzzle themed flash. The screen size is too small, it should be the standard size. You should have created your own characters instead of using ones from Kim Possible. Copying other games is a poor idea. You should always try to create something fresh.

This was made on 1/1/08, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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