
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Bounce the ball flash. The graphics are a red background and white balls. This game was greatly influenced by Arcanoid. It needs power ups to make it more exciting. You should remove all the references to Kongregate, nobody is going to leave NewGrounds.

Killing themed flash. Graphics of the enemies are detailed, and it has blood. Gameplay can be difficult to see the crosshairs with all the red in the background. You should remove the time limit as it makes the game to short.

This game was made on 6/27/07, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Maze themed flash. The graphics are mazes that have a nice level of detail. Gameplay is moving your cursor along the maze without touching the walls. This is not an original idea and has been done many times. This demo really needs better music.

This game was made on 6/30/07, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Action platformer demo. Graphics are bland and the main character is a stick figure placeholder. You really need to improve your visual quality. Adding a double jump is useful in any platforming game.

MegaAnimatedCartoons responds:

I see you didn't notice the game is intentionally ugly and badly done 🥲
In truth, the game is inspired by "La terrible mésaventure du Petit Bonhomme Moche" (in English "The terrible misadventure of the Little Ugly Guy"), a spoof animation in which lots of misadventures happen to a little ugly stickman !
Everything is voluntary ! 🤣

First person themed puzzle. Graphics have an office vibe that is colorful and bright. Gameplay is all about your printer and making it better. It needs more action and bonus content.

Puzzle Platformer. Graphics have a dark shade and detailed vibe. The controls need to be smoother and easier to change up on the fly.

First person shooter flash. The graphics are the best part of this submission. You should write the controls in the Author Comments. If you added more weapon variety and upgrades than this game could be improved.

RPG themed flash. Graphics are detailed and easy to see. The controls work well with no issues. There should have been more magical skills to learn. Also, the final Necromancer skill was disappointing. You should have been able to summon a dragon skeletal that fights for you instead of it just scaring enemies and disappearing.

Russian Roulette themed flash. Stick figures are low quality graphics. You should flesh them out. Gameplay can be a little complicated at first, but I figured it out. There should be more content and things to do.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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