
7,723 Game Reviews

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Physics puzzle flash. The graphics are dark tinted and somewhat spooky. Gameplay is borrowed from Angry Birds. If you added medals, it would increase the fun factor.

This game was made on 10/17/13, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Zombie themed flash. Graphics are colorful and have the Halloween vibe. Gameplay is all about clicking groups of orbs to fire your weapon. You should have a tutorial that explains how to use your items. You should have more weapons upgrades. I would also like to be able to increase my max health.

Witch themed flash. The graphics are all about the big tiddie witch. Controls are too loose, and they need to be much tighter. The magic system does not function well. Since the medals were removed this game is less fun.

Glitch land themed flash. Graphics are low quality and need some better visuals. You should list your controls in the Author Comments. There should be more content and things to explore.

Fly shooting demo. Graphics are simple and they could be polished to look more professional. Gameplay is just clicking the one fly and he appears again. You should have more than one fly on the screen at one time. You should use your " ponots " to purchase upgrades.

Levymiguel123 responds:

I'm sorry in the future I might make a remake of gun fly

Dating card game flash. The graphics with the monsters look very similar to Yugi-oh. Controls of fighting are confusing. I tried four battles and somehow, I won one. You should add a demo that explains everything. If you ever need a beta tester let me know.

Visual novel flash. Graphics are decent and have a Japanese vibe. You click to advance the dialog as the only gameplay. If there was a way to speed up a dialog this game could be improved.

Remake of Snake. The screen size could be larger. Gameplay is exactly like the original version. There is nothing new or exciting in this remake.

Children themed flash. The graphics are colorful and cute. Gameplay is picking one of three options and watching what happens. This game needs more options and each option should be more interactive.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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