
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Kill Jar Jar Binks Flash. Graphics are probably the best part of this game. Gameplay is a twist on whack a mole. This is more of a mini game, and it would work well if it was combined with a full and complete game.

Fighting Kermit the frog flash. Graphics for low quality in the animation needs to be much smoother. Gameplay would benefit from controls being listed on the author's comments. If you had more ways to attack it injure him that would be helpful.

Skateboarding themed flash. The screen size is way too small you should make it larger so it's easier to see. Graphics are pretty simple and could use more attention to detail and blood. Gameplay could have had more action and goals to achieve.

Dress up flash. Graphics feature Kenny from South Park. This is not the most original idea, and it has been done several times before. Gameplay would have improved if there were ways to kill him since Kenny often dies in South Park.

Make Queen laugh flash. Graphics were colorful and you could tell everything apart from each other. Gameplay was mostly point and click and trying to solve the silly puzzles. The ending was very lame.

The Medal works, and I earned it.

Windows parody flash. Graphics have a very amateur look and should be more professional. Gameplay is not fun and has almost no action or content. Next time, try an original idea.

Ball themed flash. Graphics are simple and could use more attention to detail. Gameplay is just too repetitive without a good enough outcome. I would not recommend this game to anybody.

Shoot bin Laden themed flash. Graphics were simple and they could have used more blood and gore. Gameplay is a twist on the classic whack-a-mole formula. I was going to rate this higher, but you insulted your audience in the author comments. You should never ever insult your players.

Kill the celebrity flash. Pretty basic and could use more attention to detail. Gameplay works well as a way to target practice, but the ending was very disappointing. If you added more ways to attack and actually kill him then much better.

Puzzle Fame Flash. Graphics are pretty typical and basic. Gameplay involves trying to answer math questions as fast as possible. If you polished everything and added some more action it might be helpful to children.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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