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It takes a long time to fill out each card and then you still have to press the play button. If you made this happen automatically it would save time and speed up the gameplay. You should have a shop to purchase something with the money that you earn.

The plane should be better looking since its your main weapon. If you included powerups or a way to purchase better planes, that would increase your replay factor.

Your tutorials are getting better as you go. Hands can be a bit tricky, so this flash is very useful to people. If you included a way to practice your drawing skills that would such an improvement.

This flash is one of the first you should check out when starting out to draw faces. It could be longer and more detailed. That would give people a better way to practice animation techniques.

The graphics are low quality, they need to be more vibrant and detailed. Most of the moves have been removed which is never good. This flash has so much slowdown, and Lag can ruin even the best game.

The graphics are weak at best, if you want to kill one specific person you should really make them very detailed. This entire game is about racism overtones. Nobody plays a game to tackle this issue of racism, they just want to have fun.

This is a very basic tutorial, but it can be helpful to somebody very new. It would be helpful if it was longer and included more steps. That would help smooth out everything overall.

Graphics are nice, and the animation is decent, but they could be more polished and more detailed. There is not enough content to keep the player interested. Currently, it is just a minigame.

This is a copy of the original snake game sound on early cellphones. If you are going to use the Dragonball Z gimmick, then you need more graphics and maybe some animation. Currently, it is just too basic.

The graphics look like a hockey table and a puck, but they could be polished up. Making the puck glow would make it easier to see. The game currently moves to fast, you should slow it down. That would allow players to hone their skills before you speed things up.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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