
7,723 Game Reviews

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If you are going to use the Harry Potter theme than you need magic spells. The challenge level starts off to high. The bugger should go slower to give the player the chance to learn the gameplay.

The graphics of Strawberry Clock and the kills look good. If there was more options than the replay factor would be improved. Top notch job.

Graphics are the hotdog are okay. You should include a shop where you can purchase upgrades with you score. The screen is so small that is really ruins the entire gaming experience.

Graphics are probably the best part. This feels more like a movie than a game. I am not sure why you wanted to kill off the everybody's father. This is a demo at best.

The graphics are small but they are colorful and detailed. If they were larger than it would be much easier to see. Adding music and sound effects would be so much better.

This is strange combination of a quiz and a torture game. I think it would of done better if you had gone either way all out, than trying to mash them together. There should be more ways to torture her.

Graphics have a virtual reality vibe. The controls were easy to use, and you can reach some very high scores. You really need to be able to save your scores.

The graphics of the Mech look great, but that is the best part. You could really use more props in general. Once you finish your creation, you should be able to animate your mech. The ability to take a picture would also be an improvement.

The graphics are basic, so they could use more attention to detail. There should be more ammunition and different weapons. This is just a demo at best. It could be better when it is finally completed.

Graphics are whites lines that show upon a black screen. The drawings look nice, but the ability to create your own is not user friendly. Most players will just try the premade figure and then just quit.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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