
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics on the fruit is decent, but they should be larger. This is not a game; it is an animated movie. You need to include gameplay and action to be a flash game.

Stickmen are the lowest form of graphics. The gameplay suffers from glitches, and there is no way to rest the game. This beta might be better once it is completed.

I did play part one so I know the story. The graphics have not been improved at all since the original. You should really make them more detailed. Trying to click on the little black dialogue dots can be a hassle, making the dots larger would be helpful.

This is just the game of Tetris, which was first released in the USA on the Gameboy in 1989. Why did you make the box you play is so small? You have enough room to at least double it. If you are going to make a copy of something, you should make it exactly like the original or better. This just seems like a worse version of Tetris.

Graphics on the aliens looks top notch, but the background is mostly just white and bare. The buttons make different aliens, but there is really no gameplay. You should include more content and action.

The graphics look exactly the same, but you did include a second mech at a side view. You technically did give us more props, but that is mostly because you included a new mech. You should increase the number of props, include an animation mode, and a way to take a picture of your creation. That would really help improvement.

I can see that this was inspired by the arcade classic Pac-Man. Your choice of enemies is odd. If you wanted to go sexual, than you should of made the enemies all women. That would explain why you are seeking out the Viagras. Gameplay is average, I made it to level five, but than became bored and stopped playing.

The girl is drawn okay, and the buttons look nice. Pressing the random buttons for different outfits is not the best idea. If you labelled the buttons, and doubled the number of outfits, than this would improve. I did find the secret.

This is a strange mix of a puzzle and an avoider game. The graphics are bare bones, they could use more color and detail. If you added sound effects and music that would be a major improvement.

Magic tricks can be done in a very cool way, however they are not done well here. There is way too much text to read in this flash. You need to increase the action and the content of what you can do.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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