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This game has been influenced by the NES game Marble Madness. Graphics are definitely the best part of this flash. The controls are fine, but the gameplay can get a little wild.

The Graphics are just average. If you increased the attention to detail it would really make things look much better. The difficulty challenge is currently too high. You should not die in one hit if you are bobzilla.

The filled in stickman figures are just a step up from normal stickman figures. You should really up your graphics if you want to reach the next level. If you added more content and some power ups there would be improvement.

Terminator responds:

I'll see what I can do about implementing these changes! Just having some difficulty restoring my Macromedia Flash 5 CD Key at the moment. Rest assured, when it's up and running again, I'll be sure to add some shadows, or something.

The graphics look like a Windows Operating system on a computer. This idea has been done many times, so you need something new and exciting to make this flash stand out from others. You could of went with comedy and included some humor.

This seems to be inspired by Alien Hominid. The graphics are average overall. The weapon did not function that well. Making it a more classic fun would have been a better choice. I played this flash for awhile but I did not see an ending. Every level needs an ending.

Graphics are okay, you can tell the mosquitos and the arm. You should make some of the mosquitoes look different to up the graphics. It would be nice to include power ups and health refills. That would make the game more entertaining.

The graphics are stickmen which is bad. There is no gameplay at all, and no controls. This is not a game at all, it is a movie.

Since you didn't make the graphics, you get no credit in that category. It needs more props to up the replay factor.

Graphics are okay overall, but the snowman could look sharper. The gameplay is very limited, you just throw a snowball. If you included more fights and weapons, this game would improve.

This is your basic kill a celebrity game. There are only three choices, so you should make more to pick from. Joe Pesci is a good actor and I have nothing against him.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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