
7,723 Game Reviews

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Your title makes no sense and is just painful to view. The gameplay is a puzzle game with NewGrounds themed questions. You should make the area to click larger on the answers.

Graphics are so messy in this game that you have a hard time telling things apart. That just slows down the gameplay and the enjoyment of this flash. Take your time and put time into the graphics, and it will improve.

The graphics and animation are still the same. No major updates at all to this flash. I do agree that this game is even more basic. Improve the graphics, animation, and gameplay.

The graphics are basic, they need brighter colors and better attention to detail. Like most shooting games, this game needs upgrades. If you had a shop to purchase more hits and better guns, than the game would improve.

This is a twist on your classic dress up game. It is all about make up and Britney Spears. The gag here is that there is a bit of a jump scare on her face. If you like being scared than check out this game.

This is nice as an interactive movie, but this is supposed to be a game. It needs content and something that you can accomplish to be an actual flash game.

The graphics on the cards have nice attention to detail. There isn't really any game play, it is just one magic trick. You should make this game longer and include more things to do.

This is your average dress up game featuring a basic figure. The props are okay, you really need many more to help improve the game's fun. Including an animation function would be a great touch.

This is a full chess set, but it is not a chess game. You need to program the computer to play against the player. Right now, you could only play against a second player.

Graphics are okay, you can tell everything apart. This game starts off very fast even on the easy mode. You have to best able to react quickly or you die soon. You should give the player a few hits before they die, especially on easy setting.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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