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Graphics are basic, and the background is just plain white. There is a little bit of action, but there should be much more. Either make this a fighting game like Street Fighter, or an action game completing levels like Final Fight.

The graphics are interesting they look like actual pictures cut into a jigsaw puzzle. There is not much to do, and many have no idea what to do. You should explain your concept better and include more content.

Stickmen are the lowest form of graphics. You just kill people randomly until you get bored. You should include more weapons and attacks.

This is not a flash game. This is just a commercial advertisement with some random pictures of small children. Next time, create an actual game with gameplay and a plot.

I played the original version, and there are some improvements in this newer version. It could still use more attacks and power ups. Currently, you are so weak that its too easy to die.

The graphics are colorful, but not very detailed. The monkey should look better as the hero. You should be able to change your controls. There should also be different weapons and abilities to use.

The graphics are poor, but you can tell all the different characters apart. Playing a Harry Potter game without lots of magic is a bad idea. You need to increase the level of magic use. At least, have a shop where you can spend your points on different wands and magic spells.

Graphics have the look of the actually Check Game stage. There is only one prize that you play to earn. If you added many more prizes to earn, that the gameplay would last much longer.

The graphics were good enough to be able to tell everything apart. Controls were the biggest issue, they continued to mess up my jumps and movement. I was able to obtain all four wheels and tons of cash.

Using clay animations for the graphics was a nice touch. The high difficulty is a poor idea and will turn many players off. I would also increase the amount of time to play.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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