Wizard theme flash. The graphics are bland and they could use vibrant colors. The gameplay is mostly jumping over rocks, ducking projectiles, and using magic to destroy the enemies. If you added secret rooms and unlockables it might be more fun.
Wizard theme flash. The graphics are bland and they could use vibrant colors. The gameplay is mostly jumping over rocks, ducking projectiles, and using magic to destroy the enemies. If you added secret rooms and unlockables it might be more fun.
Sherlock Holmes Flash. The graphics were easy enough to tell everything apart. The gameplay was just point and clicking and trying to solve the mystery.
The medal works and I earned it.
Visual novel flash. The graphics were okay as much of the screen was text. The Gameplay was very limited there was only a few times you actually equipped an item. The medal is broken.
Mega Man themed flash. Graphics are all taken from Mega Man, so no originality. The controls are a hassle. Making your controls reconfigurable would be a wise move. The game length could be longer.
Sketchbook 06 flash. The graphics are mostly hand drawn art for different people. There is zero gameplay as this is mostly an art project. This does have some nostalgia for me. A reminder of all the hard work and dedication I put in back in 2006.
Cat themed flash. The graphics have a cute vibe and there is also some gore. Gameplay is fast paced and goes quickly. Adding medals would up the fun factor.
Boardgame flash. Graphics are bland and could be brighter. Adding razzle dazzle would help it stand out. Gameplay is more luck than skill based.
Avoider type flash. Graphics are average and could be more polished. Gameplay is okay and the battery life should be much longer. Having different difficulty levels would be a smart idea.
Beach themed flash. Graphics are colorful, but they could be more professional. Gameplay is standard. There is nothing new or original at all.
Half Life flash. The Graphics are copied from Half Life, so nothing original. Gameplay is really basic. You should allow the player to reconfigure the controls. It gets repetitive quickly.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04