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I like your idea, but it failed in the execution. It needs some nice graphics, and some animation would also be helpful.

Graphics are just a maze with some yellow spots added. The yellow spots do increase the difficulty of making it through until the end. I made it all the way to the end, and there was nothing.

The graphics are average for an outer space shooting game. The glitch really messed up the gameplay. I used low quality, but the controls were still jerky. If you corrected the flaws, this came would be much better.

Graphics are the best part of this game. This gameplay only lasts a few seconds. You press the button three times, and it is over. You should make more ways to attack him, and more animations overall. It is just a short demo.

This is based off the classic Arcade game Pac-man, and they added some of the Simpson's characters. That is a wonderful idea. The controls tend to stick in this game. If the controls worked better than this game would really improve.

The graphics of the hamster is nice, and even the different deaths. This is another point and click controlled game. If you added more options, it would help with the replay factor.

Graphics on the grass are okay, but the ducks are too grey to make out the details. If you are having issues with your ex-girlfriend, then that's on you. This is an imitation of the NES classic Duck Hunt.

The graphics on the aliens is even worse in this episode. They are smaller and seem to be even further away. make the alien sprites larger and bring them closer to the screen. Including the weed as health points and the shield to lower hit rate were good ideas.

The graphics are decent on the background, but the stick figure always look lazy. Point and click controls had no issues. Gameplay moves quickly enough, but there could be more options to progress. That would increase the replay factor.

The graphics on the balloons could be more detailed and they defiantly need more color choices. The balloons were moving really fast at first, but I was able to master it. The background also needs some decorations. Not the worst submission for your first flash game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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