
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are all Super Mario sprites from the SNES. The Nintendo sprites are definitely the best part. It is fun to make the scene, but it would be much better if you could actually animate them. That would be a good improvement. Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are barely passable. This is just another imitation of the mosquito swatter game. Next time, you should come up with an original idea. Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are stick figures, which is the lowest tier. The screen is also really small, which makes it even harder to see. The plot is short. Make the graphics better, increase the screen size, make the content longer.

Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are a little sharper in this episode, and you added Bart as a choice. The controls were just as glitchy as the original. If you correct the controls that it make it easier to speed around as keep advancing the levels.

Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are simple drawings, and there is almost no animation. I have played these in real life, and this does a nice job of converting it to flash. However, this does need more work. There should really be animations when you get a first down, fumble, or score a touchdown.

Merry Christmas 2022.

Graphics are not that impressive, next time use more energy and time making your graphics look great. Gameplay is average at bet. Pressing 7 is the best part of the game. Just another demo that has been submitted. Merry Christmas 2022.

Graphics are okay, you can tell the tanks and ships apart. The background needs some decoration, and different types of enemies. This game might be better once completed, but this is just another demo. Merry Christmas 2022.

This is just a basic mouse tracker. It is a gadget effect, and not really a game. If this effect was included in an actual game, than the gameplay would improve. Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are passable but need more work and tons of polish. The controls are decent, but you should a way to remap the keys however you like. This is just the first chapter, so it feels empty. It might improve when you complete this game. Merry Christmas 2022.

Graphics are okay, but why are they so small? This game seriously needs bigger graphics or include a zoom in feature. It feels like just another demo. Merry Christmas 2022.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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