
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are stick figures and only use two colors. You should really include more colors and polish up everything. It needs more content and different levels to explore.

The graphics have a good wild west vibe. You should list the controls in the Author's Comments. The challenge level was easy enough for me to win every single time. Merry Christmas 2022.

Graphics are drawn just like a comic, but there is no animation. This is not really a game at all, this is not even a demo. Merry Christmas 2022.

Stick figures are the lowest form of graphics. The gameplay can get boring quickly since the targets do not move. If you animated the targets than that would help increase the challenge.
Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are really small. You should make them larger and add more attention to detail. If you added a way to upgrade your cannons than it would be a nice improvement.
Merry Christmas 2022.

Graphics are just one figure, and his reactions. If you included more choices than this game would have improvement. You could even include some nice things as well.
Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are the best part, and each person has a little animation. You should have different levels that contain different sounds. That would allow the player to make various songs.
Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are good enough to tell it is George Bush. The gameplay is wanky since your score can jump around so much. It seems more like a political parody than an actual game to earn money. Merry Christmas 2022.

The graphics are decent, but they could be polished. You misspelled the name of this game. That does seem very suspicious. If you included more actions than that would improve the replay factor. Merry Christmas 2022.

Is this a resubmitted flash? It seems like I already voted on this game. The car should have more attention to detail and polished graphics. There are some improvements from the first one, but it is still just a simple racing game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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