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The graphics are okay, but the challenge level is tougher than it first appears. The gameplay has issues and that is what raise the difficulty. If you corrected the gameplay issues, then the game would improve.

Graphics are mostly just numbers, and where is the animation? The Duck needs to have his powers corrected. They are currently not working at maximum compacity. This one trick pony game needs to actually work.

The graphics look pretty much the same as the original. The rapid spam clicking controls are still here as well. If you are going to make a sequel, you need to include some improvements.

The graphics of the enemies are covered n shadows, and they need work overall. This game needs different levels with various types of enemies. If you added different weapons, upgrades, or power ups that would cause improvement.

The graphics are stick figures, which are the lowest form of graphics. Controls are point and click which have no issues. There was nothing new or exciting here. You should include new weapons, different levels, and an actual ending.

This is an imitation of the arcade classic Pac-man. You didn't improve the graphics at all. You really didn't add anything to this classic game.

Graphics are decent, and the animation is smooth. This game is nice, but it could use more options. I would like to see powerups at the very least, but using your score to buy upgrades would be a smart improvement.

The graphics are okay, but they should be larger. That would make it much easier to see. To make it better, you could add keys and more rooms. Some of them containing treasure and monsters. That would make it more of an adventure.

The graphics are average, but there is no animation at all. Another issue is that the replay button is broken. If you included animation and fixed the broken replay button, this would improve.

This is actually a decent tutorial for 2002. It could have been longer and cover more information. Now, it remains as a reminder to times gone bye.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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