
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are stick figures, so that is no good. After pressing enter a few times, it caused the game to restart. You should vary the enemies that you kill. If you enjoy killing stick men, then this might be the game for you.

Graphics are fine, but you could use more attention to detail on the tanks. The gameplay is easy, and I can beat the computer every time. If you added different levels and a proper ending this game could improve. The restart button is currently broken.

The graphics are not good, but you already mentioned it. You should spend more time and energy on your art. I understand that this is dark humor, but you continued to make the same suicide joke more than once. This game could be harmful to somebody that is at a low point in life.

Graphics are okay, but they could use more attention to detail. The deaths could be animated better. I did find the secret death. You should include a story about why we are killing this reject.

Graphics of ThinCat are so small, and the entire game is too far away. If you brought the view closer, than it would be easier to see and play. The levels are easy enough to pass, if you strain your eyes enough to see everything.

The graphics on the character are okay and the M-16 looks the best. The background could use something instead of just being green. After reaching level 159 the score just froze. I guess that was the ending. The gameplay is just boring without a way to keep your high score, or a way to purchase upgrades.

The graphics are stick figures. You should make them fleshed out real figures. The walkie talking sounds were very poor and really annoying. You should fix up your sounds.

Graphics are not only stick figures, but they are so small. The Gameplay goes so quickly, and the player has to have lighting reflexes to succeed. Being able to reconfigure the keys would be really helpful.

The graphics are average, but really need more work and polish. This is okay as a two-player game, but it really needs a one player option.

There are no actual graphics except for the dots that you have to make. I could see how this is unique, but it is still in the developing stages. This is more of a proof of concept, than an actual game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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