
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are definitely that of a drum set. Controls had no issue, and it was a nice touch to include three songs. The drum needs work because the sound is off.

This is an imitation of the basic Snake game, but you found a way to make it worse. Gameplay is ruined by the skull being way too fast. At least, include add a setting to change the speed.

This is an imitation of the basic Pong game. If you fixed up the issues with playing against the AI, that would be quite helpful.

Graphics are okay, but they could be closer to the screen. This might work better as a dress up game. The rules on the injections seem to complicate a simple concept.

Graphics are nice, but then here comes the flashing. You should really have a large warning about all the flashing colors. It could really cause issues to certain players. Remove the flashing, and this would improve.

The graphics are average, and the animation was decent. There is plenty of words, but only is Spanish. If you included an option to change the language to English, that would be helpful.

The graphics on the game are average, but the girl reminds me of Stephanie McMahon. You should really bring the girl closer to the screen. The ball moves to slow and makes the gameplay drag.

Graphics were going to be low, but Per the monkey really grew on me. His little dance is almost memorizing. You should give him more to do, and plenty of bananas. The music went well with the adventure.

The graphics are stick figures, so that is low tier. Point and click controls do not disappoint. The game is way too short. It can be finished in under a minute. You should add more content and things to explore.

Graphics are colorful, especially on the monkeys. The view could be a little closer, but not as bad as most games of this area. The difficulty of not hitting the rocks is quite tricky. You should be able to use your score to purchase upgrades. Maybe a way to make a large wave to help a monkey survive those rocks.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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