
7,724 Game Reviews

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The graphics on the balloons could be more detailed and they defiantly need more color choices. The balloons were moving really fast at first, but I was able to master it. The background also needs some decorations. Not the worst submission for your first flash game.

This game seems like a demo, but it does have some actual work pout into it. You should take this simulation and put it into a game.

Graphics look great on Fred Durst. You can only shoot him three times, and the game is over. You should be able to use many different weapons to attack him.

This is an interesting take on the game show concept. You get some interesting facts and then choose if you believe it or not. I won this game my first time playing. You could try earning money with the questions, so you could try to earn a high score.

This is a very basic dress up game all about Dana Carvey. There are only six props. A normal dress up game needs at least 30 props. Add more props and sound effects to help this game improve.

You should include a tutorial, so players know exactly what to do. The graphics are decent, but they could always use more polish. This is just a demo; it could be much better once it is finished.

The graphics are low tier, so they need more work and polish. There should be a way to collect new weapons, or purchase upgrades with your score. Having a shield would help you survive logger against those aliens.

This is another game that tries to make the smallest graphics possible. Make your graphics bigger, so it is easier to see. For a game based off Harry Potter, you never mention it in your title. Harry Potter is popular and could lead to more players checking out this game.

This started off as your standard duck shooting game, but I ran into a bug. The ducks would just stop appearing. That issue needs to be corrected to fix the gameplay.

The graphics are low tier and need to better. Controls using the mouse were not the best, if you had the option to change controls that would be helpful. You should have different difficulties, that would allow players to start off with easy mode as a tutorial.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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