
7,724 Game Reviews

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Japanese learning flash. The graphics are minimal and there are no backgrounds. It needs more color and something in the backgrounds. This is more of a learning aid than a game. It might have use as an educational tool.

This was made on 9/3/08, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Path following flash. The graphics look nice once you get past the scenes. Gameplay is all about you have to follow the path with your mouse. The length is very short.

Zombie shooting themed flash. The graphics have a dark vine to them. Gameplay is limited by slowdown. If you removed all of the lag, then it would run smoother. Having the ability to save the game would be a great idea.

Text game flash. This game was inspired by the movie Big. The graphics are basically one page. The game can be beaten by typing one sentence. This feels just like a demo.

Side scroller shooter flash. The graphics are probably the best part of this game. Gameplay suffers from repetitive quickly. If you found a way to increase the action and offer random quest that would be a good idea.

Football themed flash. Graphics are average and they could be more professional. Gameplay should allow the player to choose any team they wish. Including upgrades was an interesting idea.

This was made on 9/18/09, and I am only the 11th person to review it.

Bullet Hell themed flash. The graphics are nice and feature some outer space sprites. The game play seemed off since it was just one level. If you made the game several different levels that would be helpful.

RPG fantasy flash. The graphics are basic, and they should be more polished. Game play would be improved if it had more ways to rest up and healing potions. The lack of hints and no walkthrough really increase the difficulty.

Basketball themed flash. The graphics are below average, and they should look more professional. Gameplay suffers from being unresponsive. It would help if you could customize your own player.

Defend the treasure flash. The graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. Gameplay could improve with many more upgrades, traps, add more choices. This demo might be better once it is completed.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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