
7,724 Game Reviews

620 w/ Responses

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The Graphics make good use of bright and vibrant colors. This mixing combination is all point and click so it works well. If you enjoy being a very patient researcher, then this could be the game for you.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Graphics have that retro feel. Point and click controls work well. This is a nice advent calendar all about chickens. If you only have one advent calendar for 2022, this is the one to pick.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Graphics are best and could have more detail. The animation is actually smooth but could be longer. Adding more death options would include the replay factor.

This game promises blowing up things, and it delivers. You should add much more content such as different stages and more things to blow up. Improving the graphics would also help.

This is a very basic Drum Kit. Graphics are okay, and could be improved. There is nothing new or exciting here.

The graphics are good, and the animation is fine. There is not much action in this game. You should add more way to kill him, and maybe a way to help him as well. That would give this game much more content.

Graphics are nice from a game submitted in 2002. Point and click controls have no issue. I think this game would work better with different levels, instead of just one long level. If you included a way to upgrade your weapon that could be helpful.

The game is all about the evils of the media and how they report news. IF you want to help spread your message you should improve the graphics, and try to make this game more exciting.

I played this game back in the day, and wanted to check it out. However, the game will not load. You should fix it so we can all enjoy playing it.

Graphics are detailed on the ball, and the court. The only issue I had was sometimes after restarting you would lose money. I played the game ten times, and it happened three of those times. I lost 50 twice, and 100 one time.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

raphaelcarrard responds:

I apologize for the failures, and i'm glad the medals worked, I made them to help me and people to earn them ^^

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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