
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Graphics have that outer space look to them. I master the controls after a few seconds. I was able to defeat the boss and finish the game. This game is just one level, so it's too short. Add more levels and some power ups.

The Graphics are heads floating around. It is all pictures, so no graphical effort at all. This is a weird and awkward game. Any game out making out really needs women in it. Adding beautiful women would be a huge improvement.

The graphics are colorful and bright. I mastered the controls quickly. The most controversial issue is the random factor. This is one of those games were either you love it or hate it. I should have reviewed this years ago, but glad that I finally got around to doing it.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Cartman is the best part of SouthPark. He is not afraid to say controversial and hilarious things. The selection of was too limited, you should include at least short ones, or 30 longer ones. If you added some animation it could improve.

The background could use more decorations. The submarine could use more attention to detail. This is okay for your first game project. Gameplay was not the best. The music was a nice change up.

Graphics are large and the gun looks nice. The controls gave me an issue where sometimes the gun would go into auto mode by itself. This game needs different stages, so you can make it to an ending. Currently, it just goes on forever.

Graphics were small, especially on the ball. They should be polish and more attention to detail. The controls need the ability to be remapped. This is your stand game of Pong. Nothing new or exciting.

Graphics are unpolished and could be larger. There isn't much to do except drive for one minute. Only having two players limits the gameplay. You should include a one player against the computer mode.

Graphics are decent enough but could use more blood. I can see the influence from Space Invaders, the classic arcade game. I made it to level six and two zombies charged me at once. Like most shooting games, you should include power ups and upgrades.

This looks like Tetris but smaller. You should make the game much larger and make your email and website smaller. Actually, just put all that text in the Author Comments. You should add music and sound effects.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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