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The graphics do look nice, so your time spent was worth it. I can the influence from the Galaga arcade game. The gameplay was decent, and I mastered the controls quickly. If you added a way to purchase upgrades, it would be an improvement.

Graphics are the sprite of Zero, and the obstacles. Gameplay is all about dodging and weaving around. This is nice for your first game. Keep up the good work.

This is a very early version of what would become Super Smash Bros the Nintendo smash hit video game. The sprites look good and so does the background. If you added more characters and more levels, this game would improve.

The graphics are about the pigs that you have to shoot and your shotgun. The pigs should slow down a little. If you created different difficulty settings, that could increase the gameplay factor.

Graphics are okay, it's your gun and the targets. You point and click to shoot those targets. There should be some power ups and maybe a way to change weapons.

Graphics could be better, and there was animation at all. It is okay for a point and click game with almost no plot. The best part of the game was when you kill Bill Clinton. He should be nicer to people. I made it all the way to the End.

Why are the graphics so small? They really need to be larger, or at least include a zoom in feature. Gameplay could be much better. I ran off the side of this screen, but I did not die. The challenge was easy to master.

Graphics are a dressed up version of Pong. I had no issues with these controls. The gameplay was better than expected. You can play against the computer, but I had more fun time playing against a friend.

This is based of the original Gameboy classic Tetris. However, it has been slightly changed and does not have that epic music. Next time you should try a new and original idea.

This would be nice for people that do not know how to make a preloader. Your tips were helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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