
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are colorful and bright. Waldorf is okay, but you would get better results with a female character. Most people do not want to dress up a male. You should add more props for improvement.

The stick men have no detail or graphics at all. The gun looks like it should have an auto feature, but it is just point and click. You should add different types of weapons, levels, and a good plot to help improve this game.

I can see the influence from Duck Hunt the classic NES game that uses the light zapper. What would happen if you mixed in French stuff for no reason? You get this game. There is nothing new or interesting at all.

Graphics are clear enough to see the enemies and the projectiles. Here is a pro tip, start clicking everywhere, then you are playing with power. Top notch job for a first flash.

The graphics are all from video games taken mostly from Nintendo and a little from Sega. You should make the control graphics larger to show how to attack. I see the arrows, but no clue about the attacking buttons.

The preloader to this game could be just as fun, if not more fun than the actual game. It all depends on if you like juggling the ball or trying to get it inside the goal. I had fun playing them both. You should give the player the option of being able to play both mini games.

Stick figure police officers is not a bad idea, but also nothing original. If you take your time and aim the game is very easy. I often could kill two enemies with one shot. Including power ups and more weapons could help the replay factor.

The graphics need polish and shine to look better. You should include a tutorial, so the players have an idea of controls and gameplay. Once you complete this game it should really improve.

The graphics are colorful, but way too small. You should make them larger and increase the attention to detail. You need borders to keep your character on the screen. I pressed right and was quickly off the screen and could not return. The loading time is very slow. That will turn off most players.

Graphics are decent at best. Including a double jump could be a helpful feature. This would be a simple game, but it's a demo. Next time, complete your game before submitting it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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