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Graphics are colorful but could contain more attention to detail. Aiming works well with the controls. The yellow tank destroys itself, so not much of a challenge. This feels like a very early demo.

The black and white graphics really need color. The controls are barely functionally and need a way to be reconfigured. Since your goal was just to make a game, you did succeed. Next time, try to make a game that work and is pretty.

Building a scary game can be tricky because you have to identify your audience. This seems to be focused on a younger audience, maybe children 12 or younger. It would be hard to trick other viewers, since you mention that "something" might happens. That really gives the surprise jump scares away.

Graphics have a dark tone that is strange when applied to the Sesame Street residents. The humor is crass, but it gets the point across. It is really short, and desperately needs more content. Another demo that needs to be finished.

Graphics are colorful and nice attention to detail on her face. However, why is she so far away. She should be closer to the screen, so it's easier to see her. Once you have finished stopping both arrows, you should have the options to start moving them again. Makes no sense to throw if you are not on target.

This is based off the Arcade smash hit Street Fighter 2. Way back in the year 2000 Tom Green was actually famous and he is facing off against Glenn Humplik. If you added more characters than it could be an entire game. Currently, it is just one fight over and over.

Graphics have a medieval theme to go with the Nimia feel. The controls should have the ability to be changed. Arrows would work much better than dragging the mouse for movement. Things appear to quicker and the is the main source of difficulty. I made it to the fifth level. How many totally levels are in this game?

The graphics have a Wild west meets a Map vibe. The more I think about, this game actually resembles the NES classic North versus South. However, just the way the battle board looks, and not all the versus battle units that attack. It does lose points since the first player cannot attack.

Super Mario Bros 2 is a video game made for the classic NES. You can see its influence in this game. The graphics are colorful and vivid. The grabbing mechanic work well enough. It could use more content and goals to accomplish to improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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