
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are the best part of this game. They look so bright and vivid, especially the attention to detail on the faces. There is so major slowdown here. Lag can ruin even the best game. Remove the slowdown, and have the moods alter slower.

The graphics are too small, they should made larger. The colors could be brighter and sharper. The controls had issue and need to be tighter. This game has lots of potential but has not lived up to it.

Nintendo sprites in a RPG is an awesome way to start out a game. This game ultimately needs more party members, more weapons, more items, more content of every type. It could be excellent once finished. This is just another demo.

This is an okay first attempt at a game. Graphics are nice, and the controls work well enough. The biggest issue is that the racecourse is so small. It should be larger and contain a start and finish line. That would really help this improve.

This is the best of all your Dead Baby dress up games. If you are into that stuff than you will love it. If you dislike any of it, then you will not be a fan. Let's see what you can come up with next.

I was having fun and master the controls, and then it just ended. The graphics were good, and the animation could have been smoother. The Eddie sounds really helped the game. However, this is just a demo.

Graphics were decent and the animation flowed well enough. Point and click controls never disappoint. I was surprised that you could not change weapons. The game is short and needs to be longer and add upgrades and plenty of different guns. This being a demo it does lose points.

The graphics are fine, but this game is all about your skills. How far can you make it to beating the high score? I did notice the learning curve as the game increased its difficulty. Adding sound was the right move.

I think this is one of the first banner games I have ever scene. If you made it regular sized, and added more buttons to press, this could be a better game. It is so short that it feels like a demo.

This is a very basic shooting game where you are targeting chickens. The bare white background really brings down the appearance. You should be able to use your points from hits, to upgrade your gun. That would increase the replay factor.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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