
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics are average and you mostly just have to aim for the heads to shoot them. The challenge level is fair, except for the fact that you have to start over every time you die. You should allow extra lives to continue from where you die.

The graphics are okay, and you can tell Bush and Binladen apart. The controls and gameplay are where this game completely falls apart. It is hard to move around and even harder to score points.

Graphics are top notch and even some nice animation. The text was too small, you should really make it larger. You should be able to do more action, and less reading. That would make this game improve.

Most people would not enjoy killing or molesting a hamster. Another game just made to shock or disgust players. You can do much better than this.

Why would anybody want to kill a cute creature? It just seems to be in bad taste to try and shock players. It could be better once it is completed, as it's only a demo.

This game has lots of props, so that allows you to be very creative. However, the blank white background really looks bad. It really needs color or at least some decorations.

This is just your basic dress up game. An average amount of props to pick from, but there is one major error. Choosing a Prostitute should allow her to be seen nude. That is her job after all. lol

Graphics are basic enough. The controls are not very accurate. It can take a while to actually hit the turkeys. You should have more than one round, that way you can keep killing multiple turkeys. I will say it's only a demo.

Pokémon has been one of the most famous things from cartoons to video games. Nintendo owns Pokémon just in case somebody didn't know. This game is just lazy even for the year 2000 standards. Using more weapons and attacks could help it improve.

This is a winter version of a juggling game. I like the Game & Watch theme much better. You should correct the movement of the balls. While you juggle one, another one will fall at the same time.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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