
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

277 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

I defeated this game was back in 2011, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Graphics are colorful and cute. Gameplay can be frustrating to obtain all the smileys and get the highest score. I only need to be quick enough to earn that last medal.

I defeated this game was back in 2011, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Graphics have a cute vibe. It can take a while to earn all the money and all the hats.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Robotic flash for Robot Day 2012, Graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. Gameplay was not exciting and its mostly just point and click until it's over.

The medal works and I earned it.

Dress Up featuring Clobinator flash. This is just another dress up game with average graphics. There are way too many dress up games, so you need something special to stand out.

This was made on 1/25/06, and I am only the twelfth one to review it.

Dress Up featuring Megaman flash. Graphics have that robotic vibe to them. If you had a larger selection of props and weapons that would be helpful.

This is not a game at all. This is a lame movie at best.

This was made on 6/3/12, and I am only the eight person to review it.

This is just a joke flash. There is just a loop and no actual gameplay. Next time, make an actual game worth playing.

Dress Up featuring Abomination flash. Graphics are average and could use more attention to detail. You should include some different background scenes. Having more props and options would be helpful.

This was made on 10/7/08, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Dress Up featuring Abomination flash. This is the sequel to the original. Graphics were just black and white. Adding bright colors would be a smart idea. Having more props and options would be helpful.

This was made on 10/30/08, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

I defeated this game was back in 2010, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Defense themed flash. If you included more units, upgrades, and magic than this could become Top Notch.

The medal works, and I earned it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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