
7,723 Game Reviews

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Dress Up games are loved by some, and tolerated by others, This second attempt is much better than your first. Your mouse drawn art was a nice touch. Top notch work.

The combination of cupcakes and Narnia seems odd, but actually comes together nicely. The shooting mechanics work well enough, but could use some upgrades. The humor works best the first time, but has no lasting power.

One of the best compliments that I can give this game is that it is a fun game, not just a fun Christmas game. I used to play this game for hours, and totally forget about the time. My replay of it was excellent. Do yourself a favorite and give this game a play when you have a few extra hours.

I remember playing this game back in 2004, so I looked it up again. Graphics are just as well as they were back in 2006. The speed being so fast is still the main issue with this game. If it was lowered this game would really improve.

I am not the biggest fan of line running in general, but I will admit that this game was better than I thought it would be. The difficulty was strict but fair. The music effects were done very well.

I can see this is a tribute to the original NES game DuckHunt. Using that as a the basis really helps this game be unique. The mixture with Call of Duty helps gather the attention on the more modern audience. Top Notch job.

This is an average shooter that tries to be something more than average. It starts off nicely, but the lasting power is not there. It ends up disappointing. With more content and options it could improve.

This version has improvements over the original. Family Guy is a quality program with plenty of funny scenes. Once again Quagmire has the ability to steal the spotlight.

This is definitely the best of the first trio of Family Guy soundboards. The sounds are the highest quality and your animation work was top notch.

This was an interesting choice for a soundboard. Crank Yankers was an okay show in its day, but now its seems more like a passing fad. However, this soundboard was made well enough.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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