
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Puzzle themed flash. Graphics could use some razzle dazzle to help them stand out more. Gameplay had some slowdown, so remove that right away.

This was made on 3/9/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Girl themed tennis flash. Graphics are good enough to tell things apart but need more attention to detail and polish. You should allow the player to reconfigure the controls. More moves and actions would increase the overall gameplay.

This was made on 3/9/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Simple little fate choice flash. It would be better with more choices and content of each selection.

Gun work in progress. Graphics have the gun vibe, and there are some nice facts. It still needs more action and fun to help it progress to the next level.

Joke flash that isn't funny. There was almost no effort or time put forth. Graphics are the lowest of quality.

Escaping the room themed flash. Graphics are probably the best thing here. Gameplay is stalled out by all of the bugs. Remove all of the bugs to allow the player to play. If you had a few musical tracks to pick from would be a good touch.

This was made on 2/18/10, and I am only the twelfth player to review it.

Pie chart themed flash. It's a nice idea but just seems too limited. This is closer to a minigame than a full and completed one.

This was made on 2/18/10, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Basic dress up game. Graphics are low quality especial on the model. Start by Fleshing it out, and then add many more props.

This was made on 2/11/10, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Popcorn avoider flash. Graphics need to be more fleshed out and professional. Adding unlockables could increase your replay factor.

This game was made on 2/11/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Imitation of Skears, but not as good. This is just a demo, so you need improvement almost everywhere. With more effort and hard work this might be better once completed.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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