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The graphics show off the different colors but could be sharper. I can see the influence of Asteroids the classic arcade game. Controls are easy enough, just match the color to shoot. Seeing as this is just a demo, I am sure the completed game will be better.

Graphics have a vivid sense of color but could be larger. Controls seem odd at first, until you master them. Including a tutorial level could really help. If you included a more offensive way to defeat the enemies, that game would have more action. The passive style can tend to be a little boring.

The graphics are so bright and crisp, and that really helps to figure things out. It is point and click, but you are limited by pieces that are actually touching. Collecting stars is okay, but there is really no payoff for completing things. If you like jig saw puzzles that this could be the game for you.

Graphics look nice and lots of attention to detail. It is a point and click control, so that is simple. The challenge level is tougher than expected due to all the circles that begin to clog up the screen. Once you get to 24/25 you can barely see to find that last hidden one.

Graphics are 8-bit pixel Art, so that's the norm for flash games. I had no issues with the controls at all. This is a nice little bullet hell mixed with a dating game. Challenge mode on normal is pretty easy which makes sense. Hard mode gets a little more challenging, but not too much.

Going for 16-bit instead of 8-bit makes the graphics stand out among the norm. I mastered the controls in my first play. There is plenty of Halloween imagery, with the main character Jack O' lantern and all the ghosts on the main screen. Top notch job.

I can see the influence of the classic Arcade game Galaga, which was also released on the original NES. It looks similar to Galaga, with a little bit of updating. The attacking concept of angering an enemy and using it as a weapon, is questionable. You either love it or hate it.

Graphics have that retro feel that can only pixel art can give you. Using the mouse to move was a wise idea. Difficulty starts out easy enough, so it helps to get the player invested. If you included a shield and maybe a life gain pick up, it could help this game out.

The graphics are pixel art that have that outer space vibe. It was interesting that you control two different objects that both shoot. If you included a good plot, more fire type choices, and some defensive options that would help this game improve.

Pixel Art graphics are bringing us some retro flavor. I can see the influence from Asteroids and Space Invaders in this game. I mastered the controls in my first playthrough. I would suggest offering more power ups and at least a shield or two for protection.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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