
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are decent, and you make out the details on everything. Gameplay felt dragged out as things happen slowly. The music was too loud for me, so I had to mute the page. If you speed up the flow of the game, and allowed a way to lower the volume, it will help it improve.

I remember playing Battle Garden back in 2007, and it was top notch. Years later this game has still pretty much held up. Gameplay is fun just shooting away as long as you can. If you added more guns and armors, it could be better.

Graphics are decent for a game from back in 2007. Gameplay tends to all over the place. Sometimes it just feels boring, and other times things are progressing way too quickly. The musical choices were underwhelming as well. If you fixed up the gameplay, and picked some better tunes, this game would improve.

The graphics are okay but could have more attention to detail. The Gameplay is decent but tends to be on the easy side. It is nice to challenge yourself by making a game quickly, but that will sacrifice quality. If you polished up and improved this game it would be much better.

I have been on a kick of replaying games from years ago. I remember having lots of fun in this shooter game, but now the game will not load. You need to fix this, so players can enjoy this game again.

Graphics are colorful enough, and you can tell everything apart. The learning curve of difficulty is tough but fair. There is nothing better than an excellent Tower Defense game. I can remember placing this often back in 2016. If you added more tower types and attacks that could help make it improve.

This game feels unfinished and unpolished. I like your ideas and your basic gameplay. However, the graphics need to be improved so you can see the missiles easier and help to tell things apart overall. The Swedish voice acting should be clearer to hear.

Graphics are okay, but they could be much better. This game is all about that wacky plot, and your use of humor. Combining Political ideas into any game will always split your audience. If you polished up the graphics and simplified the game play this game would really improve.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Graphics present a retro vibe mixed with the outer space vibe. Controls took a minute to figure out, but I was able to master them. Everything was going well in level one, but level two is well issues appeared. The level two has an invisible cat that just ruins the game. An error like that is really a game breaker.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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