
7,724 Game Reviews

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I see the influence from the classic PC game Wolfenstein. Graphics have that retro look to them. Controls are not good in this game. When I tried to go to the options, it sends me to the credits. I could not reload my gun. I just walk by enemies, and they attack me from behind. this really feels like an unfinished demo, instead of a completed game.

This is a dress up game featuring a naked man named Porb. Graphics are the main thing, and they look nice. The dress up items are very limited. If you added a larger selection of items, it would make the entertainment factor longer.

The pixel art graphics look nice. Controls are responsive, but can take a few plays to figure out the physics. It was interesting to see the slime character move through things. This game works well for speed running, if you are into it. The music goes well with the gameplay.

This is a collection of mini games that really do not have anything in common. However, the games are solid and all work. This works well as a submission for the theme of "Warioware-like Minigames."

The graphics could be improved, as they are emojis. Gameplay is very simple for a puzzle game. Making your own graphics and offering your own puzzle ideas would really be an improvement. Advertising a mobile app in the Author's Comments could rub some players the wrong way.

A quiz all about Nintendo stuff from the original NES up to the Wii U. The questions were easy for me, and I earned a 100 percent. However, if you are not familiar with Nintendo, it could be quite difficult for you. If you added some fireworks at the end, it would make the player feel like they are awesome.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a fun little stats based platformer puzzle game. It could be used to help teach statistics to kids in a fun way. Much more fun than just learning from a book. Pixel art graphics are always the way to go.

This is a fun role playing game/adventure game that really came out of left field. Graphics were nice, and it definitely had its own unique style. It was fun earning all of the six different endings. Just remember that Monday will always be the worst day of the week.

It's a clock crew game, so you know what type of graphics to expect. Controls are point and click as you progress along. It is a short and sweet little game.

The medal works, and I earned them all.

Graphics are not a big deal in this game since it's all about the text-based combat. You start off with only a few choices, but as you progress you can unlock various choices. The gameplay is pretty much just pressing the start button over and over. If you have the patience, you can make your way through several hours of reading about your kill counts.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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