
7,723 Game Reviews

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There is a Who wants to be a Millionaire vibe here. If you know enough about sports than this will be a very simple game for you to complete. There should be checkpoints. Starting over every time you get one question wrong is frustrating.

Donuts and a bakery are all you need to know before you begin this game. The graphics are colorful, and you can tell everything apart. A bunch of minigames that all come together. If you are a big fan of donuts, that check out this game.

This game starts off simple, and you are waiting for it to accelerate, but it never does. It actually feels like a demo that was rushed out. If you put more work and time into it, it could be a much better game.

This is an interesting remake of the classic snake game. However, the ads should really be removed. There should not be one every time you go back to the menu. The biggest issue id the lag in this game. It really ruins any fun.

This is one of the few zombie themed games that actually begins with the cure already made. The gameplay is all about solving all of the puzzles with the least amount of moves as possible.

The overall arctic vibe was an excellent call and gives that cutest holiday feel. It is a basic game and performs well. However, you should be able to purchase upgrades with all the coins that you collect.

This is an old school racing game that I used to play way back in 2015. I gave it a replay and it still has some of its original charm. It could use more backgrounds and upgrades to help it improve.

A fun game where you can actually see user's faces on the helpers, and your face on the main character. This is the first game where I have seen this idea used. I will not be surprised if I see this concept used more in the future.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The appeal here is all about the graphics. That is the bread and butter of this game. If you like to look at your puzzles, then this is probably the flash game for you.

I see the influence from the classic PC game Wolfenstein. Graphics have that retro look to them. Controls are not good in this game. When I tried to go to the options, it sends me to the credits. I could not reload my gun. I just walk by enemies, and they attack me from behind. this really feels like an unfinished demo, instead of a completed game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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