
7,723 Game Reviews

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There is a nice twist on the classic platformer setup in this game. The learning curve functions well, and helps you prepare for the later levels. The volume is really low, it should be made louder.

Here is your standard point and click escape puzzle game. Gameplay is solid, but there is nothing really exciting about it. If you added more razzle dazzle and better story this game would really improve.

There is nothing better than returning to a fun older game, and it's still as fun as you remember. The game is simple but has a classic style. The gameplay flows well, and no issues with the controls. It could use sound effects to help it improve.

You don't have to always reinvent the wheel when making a game, and this is a perfect example. The game is simple with really no razzle dazzle. However, it is fun, and you feel a sense of accomplishment as you progress.

Steampunk has always been a nifty idea in fantasy, and this game really plays up that concept. Controls took a few tries to master, and they can be slippery at times. The gears should give you points for upgrading instead of just points.

Here we have a digging game that is still as fun as it was when it was released. The graphics still look detailed and colorful. No issues with the controls, and best of all there is no slowness. Adding more upgrades could help it improve.

This is a hidden object game, but everything is just tossed about. It just feels lazy. The pieces should have been hidden with more strategy. It comes across as a rushed game that had no beta testing.

This is a nice outer space game flying around and shooting stuff. Gameplay starts out easy, but then the difficulty rises quickly. There are 100 levels in this game. Making it easier to upgrade would improve the players ability to survive.

This is another game that I played back in 2015 and wanted to give it a replay. The game crashed three times and would not reload. A strange screen came up, and now I can't play it. Fix the issue, so we can play.

This is a short little clicker game that will be over in five minutes. If you can break the limits than you will be able to pull of the win. Top notch work for a game made in 48 hours.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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