
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a nice tutorial all about Flash 8. Graphics looks nice and sharp. Everything makes sense, and there is no sense of confusion. However, it's just a tutorial so there isn't much fun or replay factor at all.

This game reminds me of Captain America with all the secret weapons and the northern Europe setting. However, there is a different vibe to it that makes it unique. If you added more upgrades that would improve the replay factor.

Graphics are actually better than what you would expect from an older game. Handball is an interesting choice for a sports competition. The main issue here is that the difficult is quite high. It should be lowered so players can enjoy playing.

The graphics are probably the best feature of this game. Nice use of color and shading and just check out those explosions. Gameplay is smooth and I had no issues with the controls. I made it all the way to the end and was happy to be able to complete this game.

Any game about hacking will be quick to gather attention. gamers love the idea of being able to hack into any computer system. Was a different type of feeling to this game, not the regular kind of point and click-around escape.

Graphics have that retro vibe that really relates to the mage theme. The controls work well. It's a fun game overall. There are plenty of upgrades. You can really get drawn into the action. I didn't want this game to ever end.

There is defiantly a musical theme to this real time strategy game. Graphics had a nice look and good use of colors. However here are some issues. There is no story, no upgrades, or even a high score table. Adding these features would help this game improve.

I can the influence from the original NES in this game. Yes, I do like Mega Man, Metroid, and Castlevania. There was so much retro goodness here. The only bad thing is that this is only a demo.

Graphics look nice on the artistic puzzles. The first starting puzzle worked almost like a tutorial and helped you get into the mood for the rest of the game. The difficulty was easy for me. I was able to finish it all quickly.

Graphics start off well and things seem easy, but then the game actually starts. This sim is all about coming out to people. If you ever have to come out in real life, this game could be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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