
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Basic celebrity killing flash. You should explain more about Bob Kaufman and why you want to kill him. Graphics should be much more detailed. Including a larger variety of kills would be a smart idea.

Average space shooting flash. Graphics have the standard look and offers nothing outstanding. Gameplay could use different levels and styles. Everything just needs more variety.

This was made on 11/7/02, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Vampire themed Valentine flash. Graphics are nice but could be more polished. Gameplay is average but should be more challenging. It should have more levels as well.

This was made on 2/5/10, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Alice themed flash that is still fun today. I actually completed this game way back in 2010, but the review is absent. I'm fixing that right now, on 12/24/23, Christmas Eve morning.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Puzzle and snow themed flash. Graphics could be polished up for that professional look. Gameplay is decent but went by too quickly. More levels and a bonus level could be helpful.
One of the few flashes I have seen passed with only two votes.

This was made on 11/5/09, and I am only the third person to review it.

Another sequel of Death Race. Not much graphical improvement at all. Gameplay is forced to be slower this time to increased difficulty. However, this is just another screamer. Scremers were never a good idea.

This was made on 2/8/09, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Average car racing flash. Graphics are fine but could be improved if you gave the player more options to customize. A variety of car choices would also be a smart idea.

This was made on 10/31/09, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Basic pie collection Halloween themed flash. Graphics would benefit for more attention to detail. Adding collectables could help increase replay factor. Music and sound effects would be a nice idea. One of the few flashes I have seen passed with only two votes.

This was made on 10/31/09, and I am only the third person to review it.

Dress up stick figure gadget. Graphics are low tier for stick figure and props. Needs many more choices and options. With more effort it could improve.

A nice sequel to the original. Graphics have minor updates with shows effort. Gameplay functions just as well. Not being able to keep the cards is a real let down.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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