
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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I defeated this game was back in 2009, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Graphics have that Pico and Darnell vibe. Controls work well with no issues. Gameplay might improve with more moves, attacks, and weapons.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I defeated this game was back in 2009, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Graphics are colorful and bright. Gameplay can be a little tricky but gets easier with practice.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Kevin responds:

The classic Doctor Strongbad review hell yeah!

Did you know that this was one of the first games on NG that featured the medal system? This was back when I had to email Tom Fulp and manually tell him what medals I wanted and their descriptions/points worth, and he would reply with the code needed to call the API for the medal unlock. Wild times!

Joke flash that is not funny. Graphics are low quality. Everything feels empty like a demo. Saying a demo is a full version is going to annoy your audience.

Sheep killing flash. Graphics are poor quality. Gameplay is just shooting five sheep to defeat the game. This feels like a demo at best.

Graphics are low quality. Grammar check would help correct your mistakes. Gameplay could use more weapon choices and attacks. It should be longer and have different levels.

Simple Togepy killing simulation. There should be more content and many different ways to kill him. Sound is low quality and not entertaining.

I defeated this game was back in 2009, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Clone of Frogger flash. Graphics are decent enough to tell everything apart. Gameplay is just like Frogger. Next time, try an original idea.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Asteroids clone flash. Graphics have the Asteroids theme. Gameplay is just like the original. Mothing new or original here. The sound should be better quality overall.

I defeated this game was back in 2008, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

Graphics have the Pico vibe. Controls would be better if you allowed the player to reconfigure them.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I defeated this game was back in 2007, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.

This is a NewGrounds themed quiz game. Graphics could be more professional and polished. Gameplay is just answering questions.

The medals work, and I have earned them all.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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