
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Balloon themed avoider flash. Graphics are decent but could be more polished. Gameplay is okay, but it gets repetitive quickly. Adding unlockables might help the replay factor.

Mech warrior flash. Graphics are the best part of this game. Gameplay is really limited by the lag. If you could remove all of the lag than this game would be much better.

Jail break themed flash. Graphics have a retro vibe. Controls are just holding down the mouse and letting it go. Gameplay would be better with power ups and with more than 14 days.

Gravity changing flash. Graphics could be more colorful and brighter. Gameplay is fun, but the death system is not fun. If it was improved, then it would be an improvement.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Pong inspired flash. Graphics are just a white background, and that really needs color. Polishing up everything would also be a smart idea. Gameplay should offer different levels of challenge.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Arcade style flash. Graphics could have more attention to detail. Things move so quickly you can't always tell things apart. Adding unlockables would up the replay factor.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

Psychedelic themed flash. There should really be a huge warning that this game could cause Vertigo. I would recommend playing a bit, and then taking a break.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Retro themed puzzle flash. Controls are too rigid and that stalls out the gameplay. Make the controls more fluid and easier to use. That would be the first step towards improvement.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Color themed puzzle flash. Graphics have a nice color vibe. Gameplay has issues and should be able to move easier. Nothing groundbreaking here at all.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Video puzzle flash. The concept of video puzzles was interesting. Gameplay was nice, but just seems to be missing something. Gameplay did have slowdown. Remove that lag right away.

This was made on 3/18/10, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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