
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Pet sim flash. Graphics are colorful and the pets are detailed. Gameplay is all about clicking over and over. You should include a way to click faster to make progression easier.

lastmiau responds:

that is the goal of the video game, to be simple and relaxing 👍 that's why i added the gold bonus to make it faster

Text RPG alpha. Graphics are just text in black and white and sometimes blue. Adding some animations and more color would be a nice touch. Gameplay is all about picking your choice. With more content and choices this alpha could become a full game.

Rhythm themed flash. The graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. I could use more special effects in some razzle dazzle. Gameplay feels very challenging. You should start it off easy and then make it harder as you progress.

Visual novel flash. Graphics are pretty much just red, black, and grey. Adding brighter colors would make things look more vivid. If you like to read than this might be the flash for you.

ezd responds:

The limited palette was a design choice we made to give the game a precise look! Sorry to hear you didn't appreciate it, I understand it isn't everyone's jam (pun intended)

Platformer flash. Graphics have nice solid backgrounds but could use tons of special effects. You should allow the controls to be reconfigurable. That would be a good idea. You should add more levels and some unlockables.

This is a movie and not a game. Graphics of the figures could be fleshed out more. If you could actually play that would be a major improvement.

Shooting themed flash. The Graphics are dark, and everything looks alike. It can be hard to figure out where you are supposed to go. Adding arrows could help the player from getting lost. You should list the controls in the Author Comments.

Spam flash. The graphics include Mario and Goomba sprites. Jumping works well enough. You should add fireballs so you can attack the goombas.

WelftheCube responds:

omg its freaking strongbad

First person shooter flash. The graphics look rushed. You should take your time to polish it to look professional. Adding a larger variety of weapons and skills would be a nice inclusion.

Sonic themed flash. The art is low quality, and Sonic is black and white. Color in sonic and put more effort into your art. The game crashed on me twice. You have to fix up those glitches.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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