
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Basic flash that is too short. Gameplay would be better if you had different levels, goals to achieve, and unlockables.

This was made on 2/12/09, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Madagascar Soundboard that could use a variety of images from the movie. Some of the clips are not very clear, you should redo the sound clips to make them much clearer.

This is more of a movie than a true game. This would be enjoyed more if you made it easier to find the hidden secret.

This was made on 12/13/05, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Dress up flash that feels too generic. Adding more props would be a good place to start. Different songs would give a better selection to the player.

This was made on 4/14/08, and I am only the eight person to review it.

Simple flash about Fighting in a sphere. Graphics need to be more professional and polished. It could use more moves and attacks.

This was made on 1/16/05, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Chess brough to the flash. You should make the screen larger, so everything can be seen easily. Graphics need more attention to detail on the different pieces. Needs the ability to play against the computer.

This was made on 2/12/09, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Graphics on the backgrounds need color and designer patterns. gameplay is okay, but not very entertaining. Adding unlockables could be a nice idea.

This was made on 6/15/08, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

OJ parody flash that is just too hard. If you turned down the challenge than it would be easier to actually win this game.

This was made on 6/15/08, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Nice concept but need more effort. You should take your time and perfect every aspect of a game before you submit it. Adding many more colors would really work with the title.

Beta of a creature creating game. Graphics should have more attention to detail. It might be better once it is finished.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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