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The Pixel art graphics make you feel you are playing on an older computer. This game could really use different difficulty levels. That way people could start with easy and master how to play, before playing the hard difficulty.

The graphics are decent but could always be enhanced. Controls seem simple, but it takes a minute to master. You should make a sequel and add levels or upgrades to increase the gameplay.

Graphics could be improved, but you can tell everything apart. This is a baseball swinging and missing game. The bat should swing faster, that would really make the game easier.

The medal works, and I earned it.

This game is all about being a duck and exploring the metroidvania adventures. The difficulty level is firm but fair. If you are into ducks and being a slacker in general, then this might be the game for you.

The color pallet reminds me of an Gameboy Color game. Being able to play as the bad guy is a good concept. Especially, when you are bigger, stronger, and have magic to kill that protagonist. However, he keeps coming back over and over. There was some slowdown, so make sure to get rid of that lag.

I like the 8bit influenced pixel art graphics. Controls take a minute to master, but then you will be able shoot like a pro. Gameplay had no issues, and this game can become strangely addictive. If you added more upgrades, it would give the ability to try out new attacks.

The Pixel art graphics are on point, however there should be a way to zoom in. That would make everything easier to see. The controls worked well enough. The annoying Warlock keeps using his blue balls to murder me. It would be nice to see some powerups or upgrades to help you.

HelperWesley responds:

Thanks! I'm pretty happy with how the art turned out.

A few people asked for the camera zoomed in. If I go back and update the game again, maybe I'll add a button on screen that zooms in the camera a bit. 👍

Probably not upgrades though, that might make the speed run mode at the end of the game a little too easy. 🤔

Graphics have pixel art that just look wonderful. Controls work well enough without any issues.
The gameplay is not that fun overall. My favorite move to use was the Spiral attack, and it really never let me down. Allow other attacks to be better so the combat is more balanced.

The graphics look great, but that is the main part of this game. I was having so much fun looking at all of the cards, that I didn't really pay attention to my reading. There is a high replay factor.

The medal works, and I earned it.

Graphics have a nice look, especially " Sex God" the rabbit. Gameplay has a snag when it comes to the springs. They make challenging to progress. If you can correct this issue, this game will really improve overall.

CubePunks responds:

can you DM me elaborating on said snag.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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