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This game is all about trying to deal with the pain of quarantine. The main character seems very tired after only playing video games for a while. I would have enjoyed seeing more choices of video games.

MSGhero responds:

Definitely not within a game jam, but that's a good idea in general.

I took my time and created a cool name, just to not be able to use it. If you cannot pick your name, then just remove that feature. The game was very short. I was really surprised when it ended. Making it longer would help it improve.

I enjoyed this visual novel because the amount of text was a normal amount. There were no pages and pages of dialogue, which can really slow down the plot. My first time playing I ended up with the Magical victory. I will try different choices to earn the rest of the endings.

I can really see the Gameboy influence is this game and the presentation. I am a big fan of when modern games to give praise to older games and consoles. The gameplay is interesting, because the person you play was just as confused as I was while playing. Nice use of comedy, especially towards the end.

Here is another example of a game I played a bit while voting on it, but now no longer works. It gives the following message.

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)
This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple.

Hope that you can fix this error soon.

Pommisc responds:

I'll take a look at it! Thanks for letting me know!

This is an interesting comedy that is pretty much a parody of a trip to the zoo. You have some laughs and can enjoy all the silliness. Top Notch work on all of the animals.

I played this when it first came out and I enjoyed it. I came back to check it out again, and now it will not load. I am unsure what happened. Once you correct this error, people will be able to enjoy this game much more.

ManlyPotato responds:

Unfortunately it seems that a recent chrome update (and any browser based on chrome like edge etc) has broken some versions of renpy web -> https://www.reddit.com/r/RenPy/comments/ttdw79/maximum_call_stack_size_exceeded/ . While there may be some issues in the codebase it's primarily caused by some regression on the backend rendering of renpy web. As an online engine it's not very stable which is my own fault, the engine is pretty much in perma-beta. There are download links on itch.io so those will always stay up and definitely work!

Please let me know if these work for you, other solutions are to download firefox or to weirdly open the dev menu with f12 and launch the game, it'll work then.

Graphics have that retro feel, and the coloring looks nice. I mastered the controls very quickly. The trick to the gameplay is to not let the raindrops fall, or else things will get more challenging. There should be an option to change animals like a dog or a monkey, instead of just a cat.

This game takes the word of the game concept and mixes it with Pig Latin. I have not used Pig Latin since I was in middle or elementary school. If you altered the graphics and added something new, it would improve. At the monument, it feels closer to a knock off of the original.

ElanMakesGames responds:

Thanks for checking out the game and leaving some feedback! I was definitely trying to keep it as close to the original as possible, but I still see where you're coming from.

The graphics are sharp and defined. I can see the influence of Cuphead in this game. I mastered the controls right away. I am a big fan of upgrades and power ups in general. If you included them, it could help this game really improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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