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It is quite rare to see a tower defense game about the human body. Especially, a game that is learning towards the goal of being educational. The difficulty is higher than a casual player would enjoy. I would suggest lower the difficulty, and amp up the education factor. That would help this game become viable to be played in schools as a learning tool.

The graphics have that inky tone that really stands out from the lighter paper background. It took a try or two to master the controls. The challenge factor definitely has a learning curve. The levels can be tough but fair. This remake came out very well.

Graphics are pixel art so things are starting off right. The tutorial could be explained better. I managed to make the roads, but the carriage versus carts was a little tricky. One of the cities was getting too populated, and I was never shown how to fix that issue.

This game seems to be very low quality, and it is. However, it's an April Fool's Day joke game, so you cannot take it too seriously. I am sure that the finished full game will be much better.

This is a game all about painting eggs. It makes sense for a game celebrating Easter. However, if you dislike painting that you will not enjoy it. There should be some action parts where you can attack people with your painted eggs. That would make the game more exciting.

The Graphics shown off the Halloween feel and vibe. No issue with the controls at all. It is fun to shoot all of the demons with different guns. Having more variety of guns could help the replay factor. There should be an ending, every game needs a sold ending.

What do you get when you mix a sim dating game and a skeleton? You get A Date with Death 2. Nice use of comedy and humor. I will have to go back and check out the original game.

This game felt unfinished, almost like a demo. There should be more content, and different girls to interact with in various ways. I do agree that this game does have the feeling of social awkwardness just like normal life.

This visual novel is all about feelings, most of them being negative. The plot was not too long, and it is easy to check out all of the different endings.

The graphics look good for a visual novel, even if there is absolutely no animation at all. The game is about a girl that likes other girls. She doesn't do her homework and goes on a date with Amy the goth gf. Her sad roommate kills herself. It really makes you think.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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