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The Graphics are pixel art, so that is the standard. Controls take a very short time to figure out. Gameplay starts out calm, so nothing to stress you out. However, it can be very repetitive sooner than later.

RecraftedS responds:

Yes Don't Worry I'm Working on Making The Game Less Repetitive So I'll Be Adding Day/Night Cycle Where Every 3 Levels The Background Goes From Night to Morning to Day to Add More Variety to The Background and I'll Eventually Add Power Ups to Spice Things Up

Graphics look just like a normal computer screen. The challenge is not only from all the various minigames, but also from slowdown. The further into the game you progress the more lag becomes an issue. There should be more saves points as restarting an entire scene is just painful.

Graphics in this game are nice and have a cute feel. Actually, I could see the influence from the Sega Genesis. Gameplay was average, and it was easy enough to avoid most combat. The comedy was decent, but some came across better than others.

This is an interesting version of the classic multiplayer fighting and shooting game. The gameplay can become addicting and tons of fun to play. However, there is unbalance among the different characters. The biggest issue with this game is the lag. Lag can ruin even the best game.

Zetoman77 responds:

Would you mind telling me in DMs which region (NA, Europe, Asia) you are in that is laggy? I am setting up new servers to try to reduce the lag, but I can't really test it because i m not in the other regions of the world physically xDD

Graphics are the hand drawn variety and look wonderful. It is interesting to explore each room, to try find every secret. I am not the biggest fan of clowns, and there is a creepy vibe in this game.

Graphics look nice in this black and white color design. Controls should be easy to maximize the fun aspect. With the gameplay, it reminds me a little of a Tony Hawk Pro Skater game.

The concept of having to keep throwing it up and catching it is an interesting idea. I had no issues with the controls once I figured out how to perfect my jumping.

A good tower defense video game can be a thing of wonder if done correctly. However, this game has major control issues. If the controls worked properly, this game would be lots of fun.

Graphics are pixel art with just enough of a spooky look to them. It takes a second to figure out the controls, especially when enemies are running at you. There is a high level of difficulty that really increases after level 10. There should be more types of turrets, a way to make the walls stronger, and a " bone chest " that allows you to earn bones faster.

If you need a beta tester for your next game, just let me know.

This is a very short and sweet rhythm game. I had no issues with the controls. There could have been more animation and better graphics.

The medal works, and I earned it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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