
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Copied from a tutorial, so no points for creativity. Graphics could use razzle dazzle and style. Gameplay becomes repetitive quickly. Adding more weapons, attacks, and ship choices would be helpful.

This was made on 8/17/07, and i am only the tenth person to review it.

Fly swatter flash, so no points for creativity. Gameplay would be better if the spider was more active. We should be able to jump around and shoot webs like something Spider-man would do.

Another dress up flash. Most dress up games will score better with a cute anime girl. You could use many more props. Being able to animate your finally creation would be an improvement.

This was made on 1/28/09, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Shooter featuring Chuck Norris. Graphics need more attention to detail in general and your backgrounds need color and care. Gameplay suffers from lack of fun, and it lowers your replay factor.

This was made on 12/29/08, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Graphics were probably the best part of this flash. Gameplay would be better if things were more interactive. adding animation would be a smart idea.

It works well and no issues with the audio features. Graphics would look better with nice graphics and animations.

This was made on 1/29/09, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Quiz about as3. Graphics could look sleeker and more dynamic. Text should be easier to read, you should use a different font.

This was made on 1/21/09, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

Remake of snake, so no points for creativity. Graphics could use vibrant colors. Gameplay needs something new and exciting. Next time, submit an original idea.

Great idea but poor execution. Graphics are just low quality. They need to look polished and professional. Your upgrades should be cheaper. If you added more upgrades that gave different types of attacks that could be a nice idea.

Amateur avoider flash. Gameplay suffers from being sensitive. Black squares will attack you even if you get near them, instead of when you touch them. You should be able to use your points to purchase upgrades or extra lives.

This was made on 1/21/09, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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