
7,724 Game Reviews

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Recycled parts combined to make a flash. Using recycled part is a poor idea for a game. You should create new and original graphics and ideas for each submission.

This was made on 10/29/08, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

Short and sweet ball themed flash. Graphics are on the cute side. Gameplay is decent but become repetitive quickly. Adding goals to achieve would be an improvement.

This was made on 10/29/08, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Demo version of a quiz flash. Graphics are just pictures, so you need actual graphics. Animation some of the pics would be an advanced feature. Three questions are not enough for a quiz.

This was made on 10/29/08, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

This gives some okay and some outdated information. Very similar to the original episode.

Quiz featuring Halo knowledge. Graphics need to be colorful and include Halo graphics. Adding animation would be excellent. If you had more quiz choices it would up the replay factor.

Quiz based off The Legend of Zelda. Some of the questions have misleading answers. You should make more quizzes to make gameplay longer.

Experimental gadget tests. Graphics can really use color and polished up effects. With more effort and work it might improve.

Unfinished gadget demo. Graphics need to be brighter and vibrant. Gameplay is okay, but low of entertainment. Make things more fun and exciting.

This was made on 10/27/08, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Tic-Tac-Toe brought to the world of flash. This is just a remake of the classic game. Gameplay is just too easy. Making the game more difficult could be a nice step.

This was made on 10/27/08, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Remake of Pong, so no creativity at all. Gameplay goes so slow, and it causes boredom. If you made the game faster, that would be helpful.

This was made on 10/27/08, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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