
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Dress up game all about Spongebob. Graphics need attention to detail and some razzle dazzle. Needs more props and some animation.

Jigsaw brought to the world of flash. Just a basic puzzle, so no creativity. Gameplay was ended once you solve it. There should be more content to make it longer.

This was made on 11/16/08, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Gadget about Tom being gay. Just a joke about voting if Tom is gay. There should be more to do and goals to achieve.

UFO themed flash. Graphics went for the cute vibe, and I think the sci-fi vibe would work better. Having a variety of weapons and attacks could be a way to improve it.

This was made on 11/13/08, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Paparazzi themed flash. Graphics could be more detailed in general and especially on the celebrities. Gameplay would be better if you removed all of the load screen signs. Adding level ups and power ups would be helpful.

This was made on 11/14/08, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

This feels like a demo. There is a good idea here, but not executed well. Graphics could use better attention to detail and polish. Gameplay was limited by the glitches. Remove the glitches right away.

This was made on 11/5/08, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Gadget all about a giraffe. Voice at the beginning was too long. I wanted to play as a giraffe and do giraffe things, but this was mostly a meme. Very easy game.

Basic adventure flash. Your character needs more moves and animations. Gameplay is limited. There should be more areas to explore and ways to adventure.

This was made on 10/31/08, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Classic Chess brough to flash. This game has a major flaw of being racist. If you changed the colors to red versus blue, instead of black and white, that would be a smart idea. Gameplay gets repetitive after a game or two.

This game was made on 10/29/08, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Recycled parts combined to make a flash. Using recycled part is a poor idea for a game. You should create new and original graphics and ideas for each submission.

This was made on 10/29/08, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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