
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Why was the screen made so small? The screen really needs to be larger. This is just a gadget not a complete game. If there was some action or adventure than it would be more exciting.

Feels more like an interactive movie than a complete game. It need gameplay where you have action and excitement. The lack of music hurts your overall score.

This was made on 9/20/06, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Short and sweet flash based on SpongeBob SquarePants. Graphics are the best part, but it could use more content and action.

Another imitation of Space Invaders, so lack of creativity. Gameplay suffers from slowdown and glitches with movement. If you removed the lag and glitches, it might be better.

This was made on 8/3/06, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Imitation of Space invaders, so no points for creativity. Feels like an unfinished demo. Gameplay features glitches like ships not appearing and lag. You should never be proud of making a game in two hours or less. This might be better once 100 percent completed.

This was made on 9/19/06, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

A defensive flash about shooting aliens. Graphics are all from a top view. If you added more starting money, more upgrades, and different attacks that could help the replay factor. Telling your audience to play a different game is always a bad idea and makes you lose points.

Graphics are the best part of this flash. Gameplay is just dodging and avoiding obstacles and arrows. You should add sections where you can actually attack things. If you added unlockables than it could increase the replay factor.

Imitation of the classic arcade game, so no points for creativity. The music is nothing new or exciting it's from Pac-man, another classic arcade game. You should never be proud to make a game in a hour. Next time, you should make an original submission.

This was made on 4/30/06, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

A bacon collecting flash. Gameplay is okay, but the time limit really lowers the fun. You should never submit a project made for class for submission. NewGrounds requires a much higher level of quality.

Tutorial that was made for new users of flash. Graphics could be more dynamic and polished. If it was more user friendly and offered more examples than it could be better overall.

This was made on 6/23/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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