
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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A ship game that puts graphics over gameplay. Basic ship game with nothing new or exciting. If you include more weapons, attacks, and types of ships to pic from would be a smart move. Sound effects and sound could help as well.

This was made on 6/21/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

This flash will not load. It is just a black screen. You need to fix it, so it works.

A quiz all about Sonic the hedgehog. It is only one quiz and some of the answers are wrong. If you added a few more quizzes and corrected all the answers than could be better.

Not a true 3D game, but the graphics sort of give that illusion of 3D. Gameplay is stalled by the high level of sensitivity. Lower the sensitivity, increase the choice of cars, and add some unlockables to make this game improve.

Great idea but bad execution. Paris Hilton needs more areas to receive damage and way more props to inflict damage. Graphics need more blood and attention to detail.

Basic tutorial that feels unfinished. Short and sweet is one way to go, but this just feels too short. If you added a few other topics of interesting than it would be a better overall tutorial.

This was made on 9/20/06, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Pattern maker is a gadget not a complete game. This is a nice flash, but it's a minigame at best. If you added in action and adventure than this could be better.

This character maker feels like a demo. Graphics should be more vibrant and colorful. You need many more options and choices. NewGrounds is a website for 13 and up, letting people know that you are only 12 is a poor idea.

Dress up game that is warrior themed. Graphics could have more attention to detail and polish. Adding many more props would be a smart move.

Personality test themed flash that is not very accurate. It is one test and it's over. The insults at the end are not funny at all. If you added more graphics and animation than this could be better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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